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Transaction Management

Transaction management is one of the core capabilities provided by AlgoKit Utils. It allows you to send single, grouped or Atomic Transaction Composer transactions with consistent and highly configurable semantics, including configurable control of transaction notes (including ARC-0002), logging, fees, multiple sender account types, and sending behaviour.

Send Transaction Params

Any AlgoKit Utils function that needs to sign/send a transaction will generally take all or part of SendTransactionParams interface, which represents a standard set of configurations that can be applied to a given transaction or transactions that are to be sent to an Algorand network.

The following parameters are able to be provided, with all of them being optional:

  • skipSending: boolean - Whether to skip signing and sending the transaction to the chain (default: transaction signed and sent to chain, unless atc is specified) and instead just return the raw transaction, e.g. so you can add it to a group of transactions
  • skipWaiting: boolean - Whether to skip waiting for the submitted transaction (only relevant if skipSending is false or unset) and turn this transaction send into an async operation
  • atc: AtomicTransactionComposer - An optional AtomicTransactionComposer to add the transaction to, if specified then skipSending: undefined has the same effect as skipSending: true
  • suppressLog: boolean - Whether to suppress log messages from transaction send, default: do not suppress
  • fee: AlgoAmount - The flat fee you want to pay, useful for covering extra fees in a transaction group or app call
  • maxFee: AlgoAmount - The maximum fee that you are happy to pay (default: unbounded) - if this is set it’s possible the transaction could get rejected during network congestion
  • maxRoundsToWaitForConfirmation: number - The maximum number of rounds to wait for confirmation, only applies if skipWaiting is undefined or false, default: wait up to 5 rounds

Send Transaction Result

All AlgoKit Utils functions that prepare and/or send a transaction will generally return a SendTransactionResult interface or some superset of that. This provides a consistent mechanism to interpret the results of a transaction send.

It consists of two properties:

  • transaction: An algosdk.Transaction object that is either ready to send or represents the transaction that was sent
  • confirmation (optional): An algosdk.modelsv2.PendingTransactionResponse object, which is a type-safe wrapper of the return from the algod pending transaction API noting that it will only be returned if the transaction was able to be confirmed (so won’t represent a “pending” transaction)

A useful pattern to use to access these properties is destructuring, e.g.:

const { transaction, confirmation } = await algokit.sendTransaction(...)

There are various variations of the SendTransactionResult that are exposed by various functions within AlgoKit Utils, including:

  • ConfirmedTransactionResult - Where it’s guaranteed that a confirmation will be returned (i.e. skipSending is not made available)
  • ConfirmedTransactionResults - Where it’s both guaranteed that a confirmation will be returned, there is a primary driving transaction, but multiple transactions may be sent (e.g. when making an ABI app call which has dependant transactions)
  • SendTransactionResults - Where multiple transactions are being sent (transactions and confirmations are arrays that replace the singular transaction and confirmation)
  • SendAtomicTransactionComposerResults - The result from sending the transactions within an AtomicTransactionComposer, it extends SendTransactionResults and adds a few other useful properties
  • AppCallTransactionResult - Result from calling a single app call (which potentially may result in multiple other transaction calls if it was an ABI method with dependant transactions)

Send a transaction

AlgoKit Utils provides three core helper methods that allow you to use the SendTransactionParams configuration when sending transactions. It also has many other methods that delegate to these underlying core methods such as algokit.transferAlgos(...), etc..

  • sendTransaction - Signs and sends (if instructed to) a single transaction using the SendTransactionParams configuration
  • sendGroupOfTransactions - Takes an array of transactions to sign with associated SendTransactionFrom accounts and signs and sends (if instructed to) them as an atomic transaction group using the SendTransactionParams configuration
  • sendAtomicTransactionComposer - Signs and sends (if instructed to) the transactions and/or method calls loaded into an AtomicTransactionComposer object using the SendTransactionParams configuration

All of these methods take algosdk.Transaction and/or algosdk.AtomicTransactionComposer objects so you can use them with transaction generation mechanisms outside of AlgoKit Utils per the modularity principle.


The functionality provided by the transaction capability includes a set of lower level helpers that might be useful in their own right per the modularity principle.


If you want to sign a transaction there are the algokit.signTransaction(transaction, signer) method and algokit.getSenderTransactionSigner(sender) methods that both work with SendTransactionFrom as described in the Account capability.

There are also some methods that take a TransactionToSign, which is the AlgoKit Utils equivalent of algosdk.TransactionWithSigner, but has a SendTransactionFrom as the signer.


There is a algokit.waitForConfirmation(transactionId, maxRoundsToWait, algod) method which helps you wait until a given algosdk.Transaction has been confirmed by the network.


If you want to control the fees of a transaction before sending then you can use:

Transaction notes

If you want to create an encoded transaction note for adding to a transaction you can use the algokit.encodeTransactionNote(note) function. This takes a TransactionNote type, which is a union of:

  • null or undefined if there is no note
  • Uint8Array which is passed straight through
  • Data that is turned into JSON, any one of:
    • string
    • number
    • any[]
    • Record<string, any>
  • A Arc2TransactionNote object, which creates an ARC-0002 compliant transaction note and has the following properties:
    • dAppName - The name of the app that is generating the note
    • format:
      • m - Message Pack format
      • b - Byte string
      • u - UTF-8 string
      • j - JSON data
    • data either a string or an object that is encoded to JSON (if format is j)

Transaction params

If you want to specify transaction params to add to a transaction you can use the algokit.getTransactionParams(params, algod) method. This let’s you pass in an existing params object if one exists or if that’s undefined then it will retrieve a new params object from the Algod client.